Student Mock Election

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Mock Election Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Student Mock Election?
The Student Mock Election is an educational event that teaches kids to be informed voters. All K-12 students in Washington state are welcome to participate! Washington has had over 447,000 participants in the state since 2004.
What is on the ballot?

Students vote on paper ballots for measures and candidates, just like they will in the future. We also provide an alternate ballot where students can vote for their favorite season or debate a measure concerning pineapple on pizza. Order real ‘I voted' stickers for your classroom, too!

How do students cast their votes?

Just like adult voters in our state, students will vote on paper ballots. The advantage of paper ballots is the ability to audit the results. The toolkits contain a worksheet for classroom results. Download all materials needed — mock ballots, tabulation sheets, voters' pamphlets, and posters.

If paper is not an option, we encourage teachers to use district approved online platforms that their students are comfortable with to conduct the Mock Election online.

How can I teach the Student Mock Election in my classroom?
To prepare for voting, students are encouraged to read the Voters' Pamphlet — an excellent primary source! Teachers can request the free Teaching Elections in Washington State curriculum book and “I Voted” stickers. Please visit the Teacher Resources section.

Don't have time to read Teaching Elections in Washington State? We offer quick lessons (30-45 min) that might be helpful. Teachers are encouraged to use the Mock Election as part of a larger discussion about voting and civic engagement.
Do students need to pre-register?
No pre-registration is necessary. Participation is free.
Who can participate in the Student Mock Election?
Voting is open to all Washington state public, private, tribal, and homeschool students in grades K-12.

Sign up to follow the Mock Election and get an alert when it opens.
Email us to request a virtual or in-person presentation at [email protected].