Online voter registration will be unavailable from Friday, Feb. 14 through Monday, Feb. 17 for Department of Licensing’s scheduled system upgrade.
We expect services to be available Tuesday, Feb. 18. Thank you for your understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions about Elections

Q: Is our election system secure from cyberattack?

Washington’s elections systems have multiple layers of security in place to defend against cyber threats. Election infrastructure, including voting systems and databases, is secured by rigorous physical security and cybersecurity measures. These defenses include strong encryption, multi-factor authentication, intrusion detection, regular security audits, and proactive measures like penetration testing and threat hunting. Additionally, Washington state’s vote-by-mail system ensures a paper trail for every ballot, making it easy to verify machine-counted results through audits and recounts.

Federal and state agencies, such as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Washington National Guard, partner with state and local election officials to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities before they can impact elections. In addition, strict physical and procedural safeguards are in place to prevent unauthorized access and tampering, ensuring the ongoing security and integrity of Washington’s elections systems.

Read more about election system security

Q: What is the law on restoration of voting rights and felony convictions?

If a person was convicted of a felony in Washington, the right to vote is restored once the person completes their sentence and is not currently serving a sentence of total confinement in prison. Once the right to vote is restored, the person must re-register to vote in order to receive a ballot. If the felony conviction is from another state or in federal court, the right to vote is restored as long as the person is not currently incarcerated for that felony.

Read more about felony convictions and voting rights restoration

Q: Is it too late to register for this election?

To register by mail or online, your application must be received no later than 8 days before Election Day. Register to vote in person during business hours and any time before 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Q: Is a voters' guide available online? How about PDF of the print version?

Yes, the Voters’ Pamphlet is available online in PDF, Text, and Audio. You can also view the Voters’ Pamphlet in Spanish, Chinese, or Vietnamese. Go to the results page, select your desired election year, and click on the "Voters' Guide" link to see all your options.

Q: Is it possible to get a replacement ballot?

Yes.  Contact your county elections office to determine the best way to receive a replacement ballot. Replacement ballots may be sent via mail or electronically, picked up at the elections office, or printed from an online application.

Q: What services are available to voters living with disabilities?

As a voter with a disability, you can request a reasonable accommodation or assistance to vote. The Office of the Secretary of State is committed to ensuring accessibility at voting centers, and that you have the opportunity to vote privately and independently.

Accessible formats of the voters' pamphlet are available online. If you wish to join the subscription list to receive a copy on USB drive of the Voters' Pamphlet, please contact the voter hotline at (800) 448-4881 or email [email protected].

Accessible voting units (AVUs) are available until 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Read more about voting accessibility

Q: How do I find a drop box?

Login to and Select Drop Boxes and Voting Center Locations. You can then view a list or a map of drop boxes and voting centers in your area.

Q: Is it OK to selfie myself holding my voted ballot and post it on social media?

The state of Washington does not directly prohibit ballot selfies. However, it is illegal to view another’s ballot for a purpose prohibited by law, such as vote buying.

Q: How can you tell if somebody tries to vote more than one ballot?

Each voter has a single active record in the statewide voter registration database (VoteWA). When a ballot is received by the Election Division, the signature is compared to the voter’s registration and the voter’s record is marked as having returned a ballot. If the voter attempts to return an additional ballot, the system warns the election official that a ballot has already been returned.  Election workers report that information to the canvassing board, who in turn reports it to the Prosecuting Attorney if further investigation is warranted.

Q: Does my write-in vote count?

Every voter has the right to write in a candidate name instead of voting for one printed on the ballot. These votes are tabulated and reported cumulatively in each race as write-in votes. This represents the total number of all write-in votes cast. 

However, write-in votes for individual declared candidates are only hand tallied if the total number of write-in votes may be enough to make a difference in the outcome of the race. (RCW 29A.60.021)

Q: How can I find results on election night?

Results can be found at on election night. Results will be posted after drop boxes and voting centers close at 8 p.m. Expect the first results to publish online at around 8:15 p.m. Some counties continue processing ballots after 8 p.m. and post updates to results later on election night.

Q: What kind of turnout do we expect for this election? How long will it take to get results for the majority of the ballots?

Results are certified by counties on 10 days after a Special Election, 14 days after a Primary, or 21 days after a General Election. The State certifies Primary results no later than 17 days after a Primary or 30 days after a General Election.

Q: What election improvements and reforms have our state made since the 2004 governor's election that highlighted some areas for improvement?

Well over 500 election law and rule changes have been made since 2004. These changes include:

  • Electronic voting devices are required to have a voter verified paper audit trail.
  • ID must be confirmed prior to vote being counted.
  • Ballot tallying equipment is certified by an independent testing lab approved by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission before it can be used in Washington State.
  • County auditors must contact voters if their ballot signature does not match the voter’s registration signature.
  • The Secretary of State identifies and removes voters who are currently under the supervision of the Department of Corrections.
  • County Auditors must account for every ballot received. This reconciliation must be presented to the county canvassing board when the election is certified and made available to the public. If there is a discrepancy, the county auditor must provide an explanation.
  • State Patrol signature verification training is required by election staff comparing ballot signatures.
  • In person disability access voting must be available 18 days before an election. The county auditor must either compare the voter’s signature or check identification before voters may use these units.
  • A random check of ballot tabulation equipment is performed upon mutual agreement of the political party observers or at the discretion of the county auditor. A manual count is compared to the tabulated results to verify the accuracy of the equipment.
  • County election procedures are reviewed by the Secretary of State. The auditor or county canvassing board must take corrective action for any problems uncovered during the review. The Secretary of State must verify that corrective action was taken.
  • Several increases in penalties for election-related fraud.