Online voter registration will be unavailable from Friday, Feb. 14 through Monday, Feb. 17 for Department of Licensing’s scheduled system upgrade.
We expect services to be available Tuesday, Feb. 18. Thank you for your understanding.
Online voter registration will be unavailable from Friday, Feb. 14 through Monday, Feb. 17 for Department of Licensing’s scheduled system upgrade.
We expect services to be available Tuesday, Feb. 18. Thank you for your understanding.
January |
Census opens field office in Seattle |
August |
Opening of field offices in Olympia, Everett, Tacoma, and Spokane |
October |
Final verification of new construction and transitory addresses |
November |
Targeted rural canvassing begins |
March |
Begin internet self-response |
March 10 |
Presidential Primary |
April 1 |
Census Day |
May |
Non-response follow-up begins |
August |
In-person address visits begin |
August 4 |
2020 Primary election |
November 3 |
2020 General Election |
December 31 |
Census delivers apportionment counts to President |
January 1 |
First day to appoint Redistricting Commission members |
January 15 |
Last day to appoint Redistricting Commission members |
January 31 |
Last day for Redistricting Commission to appoint chairperson |
February 9 |
Special Election |
April 27 |
Special Election |
May 3 |
Deadline for county legislative authorities to adopt precinct boundary changes for the Primary-General Election cycle |
May 25 |
Special Election |
August 3 |
2021 Primary Election |
August 16 |
Expected delivery of redistricting population counts to Redistricting Commission |
September 30 |
Deadline for Redistricting Commission to transmit redistricting population counts to local governments for redistricting (45 days after Redistricting Commission receives data) |
November 2 |
2021 General Election |
November 15 |
Constitutional deadline for Redistricting Commission to adopt and submit revised congressional and legislative district boundaries (State Const. Art. II Sec. 43 (6)) |
November 23 |
Last day for county certification of the 2021 General Election |
December 31 |
Deadline for local governments holding elections in 2022 to complete redistricting plans and transmit them to County Auditors |
February 8 |
Special Election |
February 8 |
Last day for legislature to amend Redistricting Commission’s proposed boundaries |
February 10 |
Earliest date that state-approved plan is transmitted to the County Auditors |
April 26 | Special Election |
April 30 |
Deadline for Supreme Court to adopt a state redistricting plan if Redistricting Commission fails to submit a plan to the legislature |
May 2 |
Deadline for county legislative authorities to adopt precinct boundary changes for the Primary-General Election cycle |
August 2 |
2022 Primary Election |
November 8 |
2022 General Election |
November 15 |
Deadline for local governments holding elections in 2023 to complete redistricting plans and transmit them to County Auditors |
November 29 |
Last date for county certification of 2022 General Election |
December 17 |
Changes for any jurisdiction redistricting not involved in the 2022 election will begin |
February 14 |
Special Election |
April 25 |
Special Election |
May 1 |
Precinct changes completed by this date and affected voters and jurisdictions notified |