Online voter registration will be unavailable from Friday, Feb. 14 through Monday, Feb. 17 for Department of Licensing’s scheduled system upgrade.
We expect services to be available Tuesday, Feb. 18. Thank you for your understanding.

Same Day Registration

In 2018, Washington passed SSB 6021, which gives voters more time to register to vote or update their address before any Primary, Special, or General Election. This came into effect on June 20, 2019 and is known as Same Day Registration because voters can register or update their address in-person up to and including on Election Day and receive a ballot that same day.

Previously, to be eligible to vote in an election, new registrations had to be completed in-person eight days prior to the election. New registrations submitted by mail or online had to be received by election officials twenty-nine days prior to the election. Updates to existing registration information also had to be received twenty-nine days before the election.

Now, eligible voters have up until 8:00 PM on an election day to register to vote, or update registration information, in-person at a voting center or county elections department. The deadline for registrations or updates by mail or online has been moved from twenty-nine days to eight days prior to an election.

For more information, see RCW 29A.08.140.


  Transferred after 28th day and before 8th day before election Transferred in-person after 8th day before election and received an updated ballot In-person transfers who voted Registered after 28th day and before 8th day before election Registered in-person after 8th day before election and received a ballot In-person registrants who voted
2024 General  69,458 16,736 15,571 53,381 22,051 21,908
2024 Primary 53,524 1,625 1,001 26,374 851 676
2024 Presidential Primary 36,002 922 553 16,038 586 522
2023 General 53,148 1,344 970 16,463 657 600
2023 Primary 38,398 400 203 16,318 207 155
2022 General 91,053 11,401 10,492 25,800 6,102 5,562
2022 Primary 70,258 2,145 1,848 19,829 988 726
2021 General 52,792 1,242 916 20,010 799 748
2021 Primary 49,286 652 358 18,433 401 273
2020 General 94,150 8,861 8,093 87,136 19,728 19,092
2020 Primary 65,794 4,171 2,788 32,699 2,227 2,166
2020 Presidential Primary 57,367 5,667 3,863 40,616 4,025 3,889
2019 General 42,881 2,305 1,533 25,461 1,353 1,014
2019 Primary 37,369 1,796 635 32,693 658 459