WSL Updates for September 22, 2011

Volume 7, September 22, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) FREE WORKSHOP – BASICS OF ARCHIVES 2) SUSTAINING CULTURAL HERITAGE COLLECTIONS 3) NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK GRANT 4) FOCUS ON COLLECTIONS CARE WORKSHOP SERIES 5) CONNECTING DONORS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FREE WORKSHOP – BASICS OF ARCHIVES Do you need to take care of historical records, but you’re not a trained archivist? The Basics of Archives is for people who work or volunteer in organizations that deal with the past, whether it’s a museum, historic house, the city clerk’s office, the library’s local history room, a historic site, or a college archives. You’ll get practical advice, sample forms and policies, and learn basic practices you need to follow so that you can collect, protect, and help people use the historical treasures in your care. In this workshop, you will learn:

  • What historical records are – and aren’t;
  • How to decide what to keep;
  • How to make sure you have legal title to your collections;
  • How to handle collections when you get them so you know what you have and how to locate collections;
  • How to protect your collections from theft;
  • How to deal with copyright issues;
  • What tools you need to create to help users find the information in your collections;
  • How to take care of historical records to ensure their preservation and accessibility into the future;
  • How to let the public know what you have and how to get people excited about using your collections;
  • Where to go when you need help.
Workshop information:
  • Friday, October 21, 2011, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.;
  • Location: National Archives and Records Administration, Pacific Alaska Region, 6125 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle;
  • Pre-registration is required, and enrollment is limited.
For additional information or to register, contact Mark Vessey, 360.586.0219 or [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) SUSTAINING CULTURAL HERITAGE COLLECTIONS Guidelines have been posted for the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections grants. Nonprofit museums, libraries, archives, and educational institutions in the United States can apply for grants to plan and implement preventive conservation projects in ways that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally sensitive and that aim to mitigate greatest risks to humanities collections rather than to meet prescriptive targets. To help an institution develop and assess preventive conservation strategies, grants of up to $40,000 (with an option of up to $50,000) will support planning projects that may encompass such activities as site visits, risk assessments, planning sessions, monitoring, testing, modeling, project-specific research, and preliminary designs for implementation projects. Planning grants must focus on exploring sustainable preventive conservation strategies and must involve an interdisciplinary team appropriate to the goals of the project. Please note that applicants for planning grant must have completed their basic preservation planning and have identified preservation challenges and priorities. To help an institution implement a preventive conservation project, grants of up to $350,000 are available. Implementation projects should be based on planning that has been specific to the needs of the institution and its collections within the context of its local environment. It is not necessary to receive an NEH planning grant to be eligible for an implementation grant. Projects that seek to implement preventive conservation measures in sustainable ways are especially encouraged. Deadline: December 1, 2011. For additional information, including grant guidelines, visit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK GRANT Libraries across the United States are invited to apply for the $3,000 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant, which will be awarded to a single library for the best public awareness campaign incorporating the 2012 National Library Week theme, You belong @ your library. The grant is sponsored by Scholastic Library Publishing, a division of Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education, and media company, and is administered by the Public Awareness Committee of the American Library Association (ALA). Application deadline: Friday, October 7, 2011. Guidelines and the online application may be found at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) FOCUS ON COLLECTIONS CARE WORKSHOP SERIES The Balboa Art Conservation Center (BACC) is pleased to present a three-day workshop series designed for institutions with material-based collections. Staff involved in collections care, policy making, exhibition development, installation, and students in degree related programs are encouraged to attend. A variety of workshops will be offered to allow participants to select the training appropriate to their needs and experience levels. Cost varies depending upon the number of workshops taken. Individuals from qualifying institutions may apply for stipend assistance, and student discounts are available. Workshops include:
  • Surveying and Assessing Collection Needs;
  • Care of Collections: Paintings and Painted Surfaces;
  • Care of Collections: Costumes and Costume Accessories;
  • Preservation of Audiovisual Materials;
  • Environmental Systems: From Understanding to Effectiveness;
  • Creating and Maintaining Digital Collections;
  • Creating an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan for Collections;
  • Disaster Recovery for Wet Collections: The First 24 – 48 Hours;
  • Individual Emergency Preparedness Consultations.
Workshop information:
  • October 19 – 21, 2011;
  • Location: Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene;
  • Registration ranges from $50.00 to $250.00;
  • Financial assistance is available to qualifying participants; one-page letters requesting such assistance must be postmarked by Wednesday, September 28, 2011;
  • Registration deadline: Wednesday, September 28, 2011.
To view the complete workshop brochure with course descriptions and a registration form, visit or contact the BACC Field Service Office at 619.236.9702 or [email protected]. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) CONNECTING DONORS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. The web site enables teachers and librarians in public schools from every corner of America to post project requests. Potential donors may then browse project requests and give any amount toward funding the project. Filters allows donors to find projects using parameters such as location, topic, cost, poverty level of requesting school, or type of resource requested. Once a project reaches its funding goal, DonorsChoose delivers the requested materials to the school. Donors receive photographs of their project being implemented, a thank-you letter from the requestor, and a cost report showing how each dollar was spent. If donors contribute more than $100, they will also receive handwritten thank-you letters from the students. At, donors may give as little as $1 and get the same level of choice, transparency, and feedback that is traditionally reserved for those who give millions. To find out more about DonorsChoose, visit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK Monday, September 26:
  • Mixing in Math: Enhancing story times, crafts, displays, and family programs with math (Texas State Library); 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. PDT;
  • Putting the Public Back in Public Libraries: Community-Led Libraries (WebJunction); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT;
Tuesday, September 27:
  • Managing Your Migration (ProQuest); 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PDT:;
  • Bozarthzone! Nuts and Bolts of Social Media (InSync); 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PDT;
  • The Scoop on Series Nonfiction: What’s New for Fall 2011 (Booklist); 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PDT;
  • Connecting Community: Why a library’s public is an essential component to its survival (Polaris, Library Journal); 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. PDT:;
Wednesday, September 28:
  • CE and ITCE Grants Update (WSL); 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PDT;
  • The Timely Leader (InSync); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT;
Thursday, September 29:
  • Advanced Searching: Beyond the Single Search Box (ProQuest); 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PDT:;
  • Creating eLearning Stories and Exercises with Articulate Storyline® (Training Magazine); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PDT;
Friday, September 30: For more information and to register (for those not linked above), visit the WSL Training Calendar at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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