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FAQ - How To Start A Business - Domestic (Washington) Business

Step one:
Confirm what business entity structure your business will be. This can be a Limited Liability Company, Profit Corporation, Nonprofit Corporation, or several other business entity types. You can review different business entity structures here or review the small business handbook located at


Step two:
Once you confirm your business entity structure you may submit the  origination documents required through the following ways:

  • Through the online filing system Corporations and Charities Filing System “CCFS”.
    • Generally processed within 5 business days upon submission.
  • Mail in documents, either using a form provided by our office OR the drafted document that have been prepared by you for the business.
    • Standard processing: generally within 10 business days upon receipt.
    • Expedited processing: generally within 3 business days upon receipt.
  • In-person services by coming to our office. The same day service fee applies and is in addition to the required filing fees.
    • You will leave our office with your documents filed and the UBI issued to the business.


Step three:
Once your formation or incorporation has been filed and the UBI has been issued your next step is to complete a Business License Application with the Department of Revenue


Step four:
File a Beneficial Ownership Information Report with the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) within 30 days of registering your business.

*Please note, the BOI report is not filed with the Secretary of State


Step five:
Apply for an Employer Identification Number “EIN”. The IRS requires business entities to receive an “EIN”. See the IRS website for additional details on how to apply for an EIN through their online portal at