Assistive Technology Resources

The following is a list of organizations that can offer products, support, training and guidance with assistive technology devices. Assistive or adaptive technology devices can range from the low-tech, such as magnifiers, to the high tech, such as screen reader programs.

WTBBL staff members can answer many questions about devices that you currently have, but the following organizations can also offer buying advice. To ask a WTBBL staff person about your device, email us at [email protected].

Washington Organizations

Washington State Department of Services for the Blind
Contact Information: Email: [email protected] or Phone: (800)552-7103

The Washington State Department of Services for the Blind (DSB), has locations around Washington and works with contractors that often travel to client homes. Their mission is “Inclusion, Independence, and Economic Vitality for People with Visual Disabilities.” To achieve this mission they assist with job counseling and teach adaptive skills, which may involve the use of assistive technology. They serve children and youth who are blind or have low vision from birth through high school graduation and tailor their services to address your needs.

Washington Assistive Technology Act Program
Contact Information: Email: [email protected], Phone: (800) 214-8731, TTY: (866) 866-0162.
Address: University of Washington, Center for Technology & Disability Studies, PO Box 357920
Seattle, Washington 98195

The Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP) has the mission to promote "assistive technology to enhance independence for every Washington resident with varying abilities." They offer advice on what device will best fit your need, device lending, and device demonstrations. Their goal is participation in their chosen activity, not the technology itself.
They can also connect you with funding options, such as the Washington Access Fund, and organizations that have recycled equipment, such as the Evergreen Reuse Coalition.

Alliance of People with disAbilities
Contact Information: Phone: (206) 545-7055 – Seattle and (425) 558-0993 – Bellevue

The Alliance of People with disAbilities operates the iTEC (Independence Technology and Employment Computer) Lab, which works to find no- , low- or high-tech options to fit the needs of people with all disabilities. They often work with other state agencies, such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, to find a device to fit the employment needs of their clients.

Lilac Services for the Blind
Contact Information: Email: [email protected] or Phone: (509) 328-9116 or (800) 422-7893

The mission of Lilac Services for the Blind is to provide blind and visually-impaired people with the training and adaptive devices that will allow them to live satisfying lives by restoring, maintaining, or increasing their independence

National and International Resources for Assistive/Adaptive Technology

Affordable Colleges Online
Contact Information: Email: [email protected]

Affordable Colleges Online is a website aimed at supporting students who are taking college level online courses. The website’s “A Guide To Visual Impairments” page covers topics such as assistive technology and organizations for people with visual impairments, tips for successful college learning, and scholarships.

American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (APH)
Contact Information: Email: [email protected], Phone: (800) 223-1839

APH provides instructional material and daily living products, including accessible materials like textbooks and maps. APH's Book Port series of products are compatible with the digital books found on the Braille and Audio Reading Downloads (BARD) website.

Contact Information: Email: EnableMart Email form, Phone: (888) 640-1999

EnableMart is a retail store that provides a variety of no-, low- and high-tech adaptive products.

Freedom Scientific
Contact Information: Phone: (800) 444-4443

Freedom Scientific provides products for low vision, DeafBlindness and blindness, including the screen reader program, Job Access with Speech (JAWS) and the magnifier, MAGic. They also offer customer service and tutorials for their products.

Contact Information: Email: [email protected], Phone: (800) 722-3393

Canadian based company that produces products for those who are blind, have low vision, learning disabilities and are DeafBlind. Their Victor Reader line is compatible with the digital books found on the Braille and Audio Reading Website (BARD).
Contact Information: Email: Contact Form, Phone: (800) 522-6294 is an online commercial company providing high- and low-tech devices to promote independence when performing a variety of daily living activities.

Perkins Products
Contact Information: Email: [email protected], Phone: (617) 972-7308

Perkins Products include high- and low-tech devices and they have access to training and evaluations. Their product line started with their Perkins Brailler and has since expanded to cover other items from a variety of vendors. They are connected with the Perkins School and the Braille & Talking Book Library for Massachusetts.