Statewide Database Trials: 2010
This now obsolete information is kept here as a historical record.
In the spring of 2011, database trials were held for the products from vendors which had submitted proposals under the SDL procurement process which led to the new contract with ProQuest.
There are no plans for additional statewide database trials at the present. Most vendors will arrange an individual product trial for their products, if you contact the vendor directly.
The following is information from the 2010 statewide database trials:
The following information is for library staff only.
Washington's Statewide Database trials are designed to help library staff become aware of new online resources, and to assist staff with the purchase of databases for their libraries.
In order for vendors to participate in the 2010 Washington Statewide Database Trials, each was asked to address seven questions that were felt to be the most critical in allowing library staff to effectively evaluate products and vendors.
To learn more about the trial resources, and to gain access to the resources, select a vendor name from those listed along the right sidebar.
Please fill out the 2010 Statewide Database Trials Interest Form. This allows you to be eligible for group purchase discount pricing, and allows vendors to contact you once the trials have ended to address any questions you may have. You may fill out the interest form multiple times; it is recommended that you fill it out once for each resource about which you'd like to learn more.

We encourage your feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our
feedback form.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).