

OLYMPIA — Secretary of State Steve Hobbs is proud to announce the two outstanding recipients of the 2024 John Lewis Youth Leadership Award from Washington state: Charles Johnson and Iliana Barnes Diaz. These young leaders have demonstrated a deep commitment to civic engagement, social justice, and community empowerment, carrying forward the legacy of the late Congressman John Lewis. 

“These remarkable individuals are making a real difference in their communities,” said Secretary Hobbs. “Their work ensures that more people—especially those from underrepresented communities—have… Read more


OLYMPIA – The Office of the Secretary of State launched a new lobby exhibit in the Legislative Building on January 29 commemorating the contributions and history of the Washington National Guard. Assembled in partnership with the Washington National Guard, Of the community, For the community: The Washington National Guard since 1883 celebrates the stories of Washington’s citizen-soldiers and airmen, and their ever-evolving role in the community. 

The exhibit is available for public viewing in the lobby of the Office of the Secretary of State, and is the latest project designed… Read more


OLYMPIA—Election offices in 32 counties have mailed ballots to voters who are eligible to vote in the Feb. 11 Special Election.  

Approximately 30% of Washington’s 5 million registered voters are eligible to participate in this election. A total of 81 measures will appear on the ballot across 65 districts, covering issues and races ranging from school districts to public facilities districts. 

Not all voters in counties with special election measures will receive ballots. Seven counties — Franklin, Garfield, Klickitat, Pend Oreille, San Juan, Wahkiakum, and… Read more


OLYMPIA – The Washington State Library and Wisconsin State Library Agency are proud to announce extraordinary support from leaders in the game and gaming peripherals industries for their newly awarded IMLS National Leadership Grant, Empowering & Innovating Games-based Library Services. This groundbreaking initiative aims to integrate games into library services nationwide, fostering inclusion, innovation, and community engagement. This month, game companies GripMat, Lone Shark Hames, and Arcane Wonders have donated additional game materials in support of the… Read more


OLYMPIA – Washington public schools will observe Temperance and Good Citizenship Day on Thursday, January 16, an event established in 1923 that is currently dedicated to helping students take the first step toward active participation in democracy by registering to vote. 

The Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS) and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) are working together to bring civic education and voter registration opportunities to Washington… Read more


OLYMPIA – A member of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs’ Civic Engagement Program, David Lund, was appointed as a member of the Washington Jail Modernization Task Force. Lund’s perspective will provide firsthand knowledge to assist the task force in improving Washington’s jails for staff and inmates, evaluating current facilities for remodeling, planning for new buildings, and developing behavioral treatment plans for inmates. The task force was established by the Washington State Legislature in early 2024, and an initial report with findings and legislative needs is expected to be issued in… Read more


OLYMPIA – The Washington State Archives will display the original 1889 Constitution of the State of Washington outside of the bronze doors of the House Chamber in the Legislative Building on Sid Snyder Avenue in Olympia from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 16.

Representatives from the Washington State Archives will be on hand to answer questions about the document. The Washington State Patrol will escort the state constitution from the archives, remain with the document at the capitol, and escort it back to the vault.

Image… Read more

OLYMPIA – Washington residents, public employees, and state retirees are being asked by Secretary of State Steve Hobbs to help those impacted by the Palisades, Eaton, Hurst, Lidia, and Sunset fires in southern California. 

The Disaster Relief Center (DRC), a special function of the Secretary of State’s Combined Fund Drive (CFD), directs those who are interested in donating to verified and registered crisis-relief charities during periods of natural or humanitarian disasters that exceed a region’s capacity to provide help. The DRC does not endorse any specific charity but does… Read more


OLYMPIA — On Tuesday, Jan. 7, Meta announced it will no longer provide fact-checking moderation on its platforms, removing misinformation labels and relying instead on its users to identify and comment on false content.

Social media is increasingly used to post and share news, including information about local, state, and federal elections. Our elections offices are now even more critical as trusted sources of accurate information, due to the reduction of intentional content moderation by experts on prominent platforms.

“Washington’s elections officials at both… Read more


OLYMPIA – On Tuesday, Dec. 17, Washington’s 12 electors met to cast their votes for president and vice president, joining electors across the country in this constitutionally mandated step of the presidential election process. The meeting took place at 12 p.m. in the Legislative Building in Olympia. All 12 electors voted for Kamala Harris for President, and Tim Walz for Vice President. "I'd like to thank the electors gathered here today for playing this significant role in the governance of our great nation," said Secretary of State Steve Hobbs (pictured below). "On behalf of… Read more

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Photo of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs (color)


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