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Elections Search Results

November 1954 General

Initiative to the People 194

Ballot Title:
An act to prohibit television advertising of alcoholic beverages between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.; declaring the use, sale and advertising of such beverages to be a matter of public policy; providing penalties for the violation of this act and repealing all acts in conflict therewith.
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Initiative to the People 188

Ballot Title:
RAISING STANDARDS FOR CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINATIONS An act raising the educational requirements for a license to practice chiropractic; establishing a Board of Chiropractic Examiners; adding to the chiropractic examination the subjects of chemistry and pathology and transferring jurisdiction for examination of chiropractic applicants from the Basic Sciences Examining Committee to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
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Initiative to the People 192

Ballot Title:
REGULATION OF COMMERCIAL SALMON FISHING An act relating to salmon fishing for commercial purposes; defining districts wherein it is unlawful to fish commercially for salmon, except during prescribed seasons which the director may shorten; establishing preserves in which salmon fishing for commercial purposes is prohibited; prohibiting the construction, installation, use, operation or maintenance of certain specified gear or any fixed applicances for the purposes of catching salmon; authorizing seizures without warrants by certain officials; prescribing penalties; and repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
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Initiative to the People 193

Ballot Title:
STATEWIDE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME An act providing that at two o'clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in April each year the time of the State of Washington shall be advanced one hour, and at two o'clock antemeridian Pacific Standard Time of the last Sunday in September in each year the time of the State of Washington shall, by the retarding of one hour, be returned to Pacific Standard Time.
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House Joint Resolution 16

Ballot Title:
ALIEN LAND OWNERSHIP; CORPORATION AMENDMENT. Shall Article II, section 33 as amended by Amendment 24 of the Constitution of the State of Washington, be amended by redefining "alien", thereby permitting the legislature to determine the policy of the state respecting the ownership of land by corporations having alien shareholders?
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1900 - 1969 was added in March, 2011. All years, 1900 - 2006, are receiving a final proof, which will be indicated under the election name. Those elections that have received a final proof of state totals will say "State Totals Proofed". Those that received a final proof of the county results will say "County Totals Proofed". County results will be proofed last.


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