Statewide Database Licensing Project - Spring 2000 Trials
Facts on File 

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(Note from the Washington State Library:  In order to participate in the Spring 2000 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors.  Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)

1. Describe the database product(s). Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.  

Facts on File

Facts On File's online resources are currently divided into two distinct ranges, our comprehensive, On-Line Encyclopedias and our range of innovative On File� On-line Databases, based upon our On-File print binders. Descriptions can be found below:


Facts On File's Encyclopedic On-line Databases are a comprehensive collection of reference data and information presented in a clear and organized framework which allows for powerful searching and customization capabilities.


Landmark Documents in American History: (Updated Quarterly) An entirely searchable compilation of more than 1200 key documents, complimented by biographies, paintings and photographs, provides a comprehensive look at American history. From 1492 to the present, a thoroughly hyper-linked timeline gives brief descriptions of more than 1500 key events in American history, providing an excellent gateway to the documents in the database.

American Historical Images: (Updated Annually) Gathered from libraries and photo archives across the country, each of the 2,000 images here (photos, engravings, paintings, maps, and more) provides students and educators with ideal visual support for essays, reports, and classroom lessons.

Landmark Documents in American History: (Updated Quarterly) An entirely searchable compilation of more than 1200 key documents, complimented by biographies, paintings and photographs, provides a comprehensive look at American history. From 1492 to the present, a thoroughly hyper-linked timeline gives brief descriptions of more than 1500 key events in American history, providing an excellent gateway to the documents in the database.

American Women's History: Available July 2000 (Updated Annually) From 1492 to the present, this ultimate on-line reference on American women's history includes biographies, historical and topical entries, speeches, maps, timelines, tables and charts, and photographs. Among the topics covered are arts, birth control, rights, education, family, health, lifestyle, sports and more.


African-American History and Culture: This incredible resource covers the breadth of African-American history-from African beginnings and the slave trade through the civil rights movement to the present day. The database is divided into five main sections: Biographies, Encyclopedia, Historical Documents, Maps and Charts, and Gallery.

The American Indian: Available July 2000 This unique resource gives users fast access to more than a thousand years of culture, legend, and leaders. More than 150 Native American groups are presented through primary source documents, biographies, historical maps, and photographs.

SCIENCE DATABASES (Updated Annually)

Science On-line Anatomy & Physiology: Includes over 750 diagrams from three On File� binders, fully hyper-linked to definitions, biographies, essays, and a timeline. Featured subjects include animal anatomy, human anatomy, and human physiology.

Science On-line Earth Sciences: Charts and diagrams of over 300 important concepts in geology, meteorology and oceanography, complemented by over 650 related definitions, biographies, and essays. Includes a hyper-linked timeline.

Science On-line Life Sciences: Includes over 1,000 charts and diagrams, definitions, biographies, essays. Among the topics covered are genetic inheritance, evolution, blood types, and plant structure. Includes a hyper-linked timeline.

Science On-line Physical Sciences: Approximately 350 diagrams, hyper-linked to related definitions, biographies, essays, and a timeline. Subjects include electricity, electronics, sound waves and light waves, and units of measurement.


Career Guidance Online: Landing a job in the twenty-first century will take skill, determination, and a little help from the Career Guidance Database. This database provides an in-depth look at salary ranges, advancement prospects, employment trends, online information, necessary experience, and relevant unions and associations


The World Atlas On-Line: This one-stop database to the nations of the world provides more than 500 clear, reproducible maps and a wealth of statistics and data on more than 200 nations, territories, regions, and continents.


The On File� On-line Databases are Facts On File's award-winning collection of visual reference materials depicting complex subjects in a way that both engages and informs students and researchers. We currently have these available in over 30 subject areas, including World History, American History, Science and even one of Personal and Business forms. These reference databases give librarians, students, researchers, and other patrons critical information that can be used a variety of ways: 

- Instructors can print the pages for handouts, overheads, posters, and testing. 

- Students can use them as quick sources of information, to reference curriculum topics, or to supplement their essays and reports.

Our On File� On-line Databases host over 10,000 PDF pages (15,000 pages by fall 2000) which include maps, charts, diagrams, timelines, tables, illustrations, text, definitions, experiments, and forms. The subject areas covered include science, history, multicultural experiences and issues, comparative religion, geography, government, sports, and forms (business and personal). New and expanded subjects for 2000 are:   


American History


2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?

Hardware and software requirements are internet-accessible computer (PC or Macintosh) running Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or greater.

3. Is remote access included for the subscription price?  If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe.   What methods of remote access are supported?

Remote access is available for a fee (usually $350.00)

4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.

We are currently working with library customers to provide remote access. Our technical support personnel are available to assist in remote access matters.

5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?

All results can be printed out. Our On File resources allow for the printing of results on such media as transparencies, saved, email or manipulated as .pdf files and utilized in a multitude of ways.

6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?

Help screens are available throughout all Facts On File products.

7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.

Customer and Technical support are available Monday-Friday, from 8 am-5PM, EST.

8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at .

We can offer statistical reporting by IP address or password to our subscribers.  Please contact Ben Jacobs (see 12 below) to discuss specific needs.  

9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service. 

Note from State Library staff: This vendor elects to indicate pricing by describing what six hypothetical libraries would pay for the product. The six libraries were offered to all vendors as one way to explain their prices.





Library A


$ 398.00

$ 199.00

Library B




Library C




Library D



$ 792.00

Library E



$ 792.00

Library F


$ 796.00

$ 396.00

Multiple Database pricing is available at a 5% discount on a total order of 2 or more online products, 15% at 3 or more, and 20% at five or more.

Prices quoted are per database.  Thus if Library A wanted The American Indian (an Encyclopedic database) plus Science-New Experiments (an On-File database) then Library A would pay $398 + $199, less 5%. 

10. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.

The minimum participation level required to establish a base 20% discount would be 10 or more libraries participating at a level of 3 or more online products. Libraries currently using our online products would be credited with the difference towards their next year's subscription.

11.  Please indicate whether libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and/or Hawaii would be eligible to participate in the group buying process.

Yes, they would be included.

12.  Please provide name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, e-mail address, hours, etc.) should libraries wish to make further inquires.

Ben Jacobs
Director, Licensing and International Sales
1-800-322-8755, ext. 268
[email protected]
9-5 EST

Chris Vander Groef
1-800-322-8755, ext. 377 
[email protected]
9-5 EST

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