Statewide Database Licensing Project - Spring 2000 Trials

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(Note from the Washington State Library:  In order to participate in the Spring 2000 Washington State Databases Trial, each vendor was asked to address questions the Statewide Database Licensing Committee felt were most critical in order for library staff to evaluate products and vendors.  Please contact the vendor's representative, listed below, for additional information on this product.)

1. Describe the database product(s). Include information on subject scope, percentage of full-text, dates of coverage, target audience (including age ranges), and how often the contents are updated.  

The Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, CINAHL, provides nursing and allied health articles from worldwide scientific literature. It provides access to nearly 800 nursing, allied health, biomedical, and consumer health journals, as well as publications of the American Nurses Association and the National League for Nursing. CINAHL includes healthcare books, nursing dissertations, standards of professional practice, nurse practice acts, and educational software. Covers 1982 to the present for indexed records, and 1986 to the present for abstracted records.

The OCLC FirstSearch service offers access to over 80 databases overall, with new databases added on an ongoing basis. First introduced in 1991, FirstSearch is now used by over 15,000 libraries and consortia throughout the world. FirstSearch is an online reference service that integrates document and delivery resource sharing into current workflows.

FirstSearch was designed specifically for end-users. Its user-friendly interface allows users to conduct searches on their own, requiring little or no intervention by library staff. No special computer knowledge or online searching training is necessary. Users point and click their way through FirstSearch to find the information they need.

FirstSearch supports sophisticated searching, including term nesting and index-specific browsing. For experienced searchers, there are advanced searching tools - restrictors, proximity operators (NEAR and WITH), index scanning, Boolean operators (AND, NOT, and OR) - as well as search history with the ability to combine sets.

Some of FirstSearch's current features that make it easy to implement and use include:

An enhanced version of FirstSearch is scheduled for full release in 2000 and is currently available for use by libraries while testing continues. The new version of FirstSearch will provide many unique benefits to libraries and their users. It will:

OCLC FirstSearch service also offers a link to the OCLC Interlibrary Loan service to streamline borrowing of articles and materials from more than 6,700 libraries worldwide. In addition, a number of document delivery suppliers have matched the list of materials they can supply against many of the FirstSearch databases. The link allows users to generate OCLC ILL requests for materials cited in FirstSearch databases. The request may appear in the library's ILL review file, and the librarian may then route the material to the appropriate supplier. Alternatively, the library may choose to have the ILL requests sent directly to the OCLC ILL service by the users.

 2. What are the hardware and software requirements for using all the features of the product?

FirstSearch performs fully with Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 4.0 and higher) with JavaScript enabled. All critical functionality is available and usable for users of versions 3.0 (or later) of these browsers, although users may see some differences in screen formatting. Access to the FirstSearch Administrative Module requires version 4.0 or higher browsers with JavaScript enabled. FirstSearch offers text-based access via the ADA-compliant Lynx browser.

3. Is remote access included for the subscription price?  If there are additional charges or requirements in order to offer remote access, please describe.   What methods of remote access are supported?

Users can access FirstSearch from workstations in the library, from workstations in buildings on the same telecommunications network as the library, or from the home or office of the library's authorized users, all at no additional fee.

FirstSearch can be accessed by remote users via the Internet using the World Wide Web. Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 4.0 and higher) with JavaScript enabled. All critical functionality is available and usable for users of versions 3.0 (or later) of these browsers, although users may see some differences in screen formatting. Access to the FirstSearch Administrative Module requires version 4.0 or higher browsers with JavaScript enabled. FirstSearch offers text-based access via the ADA-compliant Lynx browser. The new OCLC FirstSearch service is now available for use by libraries using FirstSearch through Z39.50 at the address .

4. Please discuss any methods or assistance you offer regarding remote access patron verification and authentication.

FirstSearch provides several authentication methods, and OCLC will work with the Washington libraries to determine the best FirstSearch authentication process for each library. With FirstSearch, libraries can handle authentication using (1) authorization/password, (2) IP address recognition, and (3) CGI WebScript.


Each library accessing FirstSearch will receive one or more authorizations and passwords. When a consortium purchases FirstSearch, OCLC assigns each library one or more authorization and password combinations to access FirstSearch. The library may change the password associated with the authorization at any time using the FirstSearch Administrative Module.

IP Address Recognition

OCLC offers basic IP-address recognition for logon authentication to FirstSearch. This service allows for very specific to very general IP addresses. The Washington libraries interested will be asked to provide a list of the IP numbers for each institution, and OCLC staff will implement the access. Instructions for IP address recognition are available on OCLC's Home Page at

CGI WebScripts (Scripting Logons)

The OCLC WebScript CGI application is copyrighted freeware, distributed free-of-charge, and subject to license terms and conditions. With the scripts, FirstSearch appears as a menu item on the library's Home Page. And using the WebScript CGI application, libraries can set up FirstSearch so that users will not be required to type in an authorization and password to gain FirstSearch access. Access to the library's Web page and/or the links on it are controlled by the library, allowing library staff to limit FirstSearch access to authorized users.

5. What end user delivery options, such as printing, emailing or faxing results, are available beyond just viewing results on the computer monitor?

FirstSearch allows users to mark up to 100 records for printing, downloading, and e-mailing.

6. What customer training is provided, and at what cost?

FirstSearch provides online help. FirstSearch's online help is context-sensitive and can be accessed from anywhere in the system. With FirstSearch, online help is a comprehensive "how to" manual for users. It provides detailed general-help topics as well as database-specific help topics.

Help screens topics available through FirstSearch's general help are listed in the following table.

Actions Get an item Records
Adjacency/Proximity History, search Redo search
Advanced searching Hours of availability Related subjects
Articles Interlibrary Loan Searching
Boolean operators Itroducing FirstSearch Search history
Browse Index Libraries with item Search results
Combining search words Licensing information Search screens
Copyright of Help Limit a search Select a database
Database areas Limit by subject Suppliers
Database producers Nesting / Parentheses Tag records
Databases Ordering documents Terms of use
Database topics Parentheses / Nesting Title lists
Document suppliers Plurals / Truncation Truncation / Plurals
Exist First Search Previous searches Wordlists
Full text Proximity / Adjacency  

In addition, each of the databases on FirstSearch has its own help screens, covering the following topics:

1.  Why select this database?
2.  Subjects included
3.  Coverage / update frequency
4.  Indexes and Labels
5.  Basic searches
6.  Exact-phrase searches
7.  Searching tips

The new FirstSearch's Online Help integrates system-wide and database-specific topics and is enhanced to assist users according to the search mode they are using (Basic, Advanced, Expert). On-screen, pop-up Help displays for many components of the service, including database descriptions and search features.

7. What customer and technical support is provided, including hours of operation.

Library staff may contact the OCLC User & Network Support (UNS) using the toll-free number 800-848-5800, the local number 614-793-8682, and via e-mail at [email protected]. The UNS help desk is staffed from 4:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday and 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Saturdays. The UNS telephone system allows you to leave a message for a prompt return call. Library staff and end users may also access the Support and User Documentation service on OCLC's Website:

Additional support is available Monday through Friday through the OCLC Pacific office at 800-854-5753 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time and from the OCLC/WLN offices at 800-638-9956 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Pacific Time and via e-mail at [email protected].

8. Describe the statistics you provide, and discuss whether your statistical reporting complies with guidelines developed by the International Coalition of Library Consortia which may be found at .

OCLC provides the following statistical reports for the FirstSearch service: 

FirstSearch Usage Reports

OCLC tracks FirstSearch usage statistics and provides access to monthly usage reports via the Web. Libraries can obtain these reports at anytime from the Web ( Libraries are provided with the last month's usage as well as the past twelve months of usage for a rolling 13-months of usage history. Session-level reports are available for viewing on the Web on the same 13-month, rolling schedule. Overview reports include 6 months of data.

Session-level reports include:

Overview reports. These reports provide data on system use such as: 

Database summary reports. These reports provide data on system usage at the database level:

Some of the information available from the online statistics includes:

Consortium Overview 
This report shows the total number of authorizations the consortium has assigned, the number of times users logged on, and the total number of searches conducted and the total number of full-text documents ordered over a one-month period.

Institution Overview 
This report shows the maximum number of logons used, the average number of logons used and the total number of searches conducted over a one-month period. It also shows the total number of users who logged on FirstSearch over a one-month period.

Institution Activity 
This report shows the number of times users logged in each database, the total number of searches conducted in each database and the percentage of searches conducted in each database. It also shows the average number of users logged into a particular database as well as the maximum number logged into a particular database at one time.

Full-Text Activity 
This report shows, by database and as a total, the number of ASCII full-text documents that users viewed, e-mailed or printed over a one-month period.

OCLC at present is in partial compliance with the ICOLC guidelines. We are planning to make appropriate changes to our statistical reports to become fully compliant.

9. Describe your pricing structure or formula for the product. If there are additional costs for retrieving full text, describe the pricing for this service. 

3/13/00 - Note from WSL Staff:  OCLC will be providing cost information for CINAHL and we'll post it here.  Please check back! 

OCLC offers three basic FirstSearch purchase options to help you fill your users' online reference needs: subscription (now with expanded package options), per-search, and a combination of the two. Libraries may also join the Pacific Northwest group that already subscribes to the FirstSearch service.

Subscription Pricing 
Subscription pricing provides you with the security of fixed prices for unlimited searching of selected databases. You pay one annual fee for database subscriptions and the number of simultaneous logons that are right for your library or consortium. OCLC offers two subscription access levels: controlled and unlimited. A simultaneous logon is a logical communications connection to the FirstSearch host computer, allowing one person to connect to FirstSearch. Your institution may purchase multiple simultaneous logons so that multiple users can be connected to FirstSearch at the same time under your account.

Controlled Access 
Choose the databases you want to access and specify the number of simultaneous logons your library or group needs for each database.

Unlimited Access 
With this option, OCLC configures your FirstSearch authorization(s) to provide access for an unlimited number of simultaneous logons to the databases in your subscription account. You pay a single fee for unlimited searching of the databases you have chosen.

Per-Search Pricing 
With per-search pricing, you pay by the search and purchase blocks of 500 searches in advance. There are three per-search price levels. The size of your FirstSearch purchase determines the level for which you qualify. The larger your purchase, the lower your per-search price level. "Open" per-search pricing provides virtually unlimited simultaneous logon access to more than 60 databases.

A search is counted when you send a search word or phrase to FirstSearch and receive at least one record (e.g., "baseball and umpires" is one search). When you purchase 10,000 searches, you make it possible for you and your users to perform 10,000 searches in FirstSearch.

The searches you buy under the open per-search pricing option are valid for two years immediately following purchase. After two years, they expire unless you make a subsequent FirstSearch purchase under any per-search or subscription option during that period. If you make an additional purchase, the expiration dates of all searches purchased under the open per-search pricing option are adjusted so that they expire two years after your latest purchase.

Mixing Subscription and Per-Search Pricing 
FirstSearch also allows you to mix: � Subscription pricing for access to one or more databases and � Per-search pricing access to other databases under the same authorization Simply choose your subscription databases. When you purchase search blocks to be used under the same authorization, you can access the rest of the eligible non-subscription databases on a per-search basis. Each search performed in a non-subscription database causes your inventory of searches to decrease by one.

Pricing for ASCII Full Text 
Some FirstSearch databases offer full text online. Online full text is available under per-search, monthly billing, and subscription pricing options for articles ordered from a variety of bibliographic indexes. A single authorization can allow a combination of per-search payment, monthly billing, or subscription payment as an option for ASCII full-text document ordering.

Per-search payment for ASCII full text cannot be combined with certain subscription pricing options; contact your OCLC-affiliated regional network, international distributor, or OCLC for details.

Per-Article Payment/Billing Options 
Each time a user enters ASCII full-text mode to view a document under the monthly billing option, the user is charged for one document. Documents can be e-mailed from the screen at no additional charge. Documents that are e-mailed but not viewed on the screen also incur a per-document charge.

Subscription Option 
Your library can pay a subscription fee for unlimited document ordering from one or more ASCII databases. For more information, contact your OCLC-affiliated regional network, international distributor, or OCLC for details.

OCLC price quotations are based on FTEs, or, in the alternative, number of ports.

OCLC has provided prices for individual libraries to subscribe to the various individual databases offered through FirstSearch (in addition to the packages described above).  Please contact Paul Cappuzzello for copies of the detailed price list.

3/13/00 - Note from WSL Staff:  OCLC will be providing information on the cost for libraries to join the Pacific Northwest FirstSearch Consortium and we'll post it here.  Please check back! 

10. What is the minimum participation level (however you care to define it) that would be needed to allow participating libraries to receive a discount? What is the minimum discount for a group buy? Please clarify how you would treat existing library customers with regard to a group buy.

Libraries typically begin enjoying discounts when at least three libraries participate in a group. With regard to a group purchase, existing FirstSearch subscribers would be credited for the unused portion of their subscriptions.

11.  Please indicate whether libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and/or Hawaii would be eligible to participate in the group buying process.

Libraries from Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, and/or Hawaii would be eligible to participate in the group buying process.

12.  Please provide name and contact information (toll-free telephone number, e-mail address, hours, etc.) should libraries wish to make further inquires.

All inquiries may be directed to Mr. Paul Cappuzzello, OCLC Senior Library Services Consultant, at 800-848-5878 ext. 6258 or via e-mail at [email protected]  between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday.

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