Library Council of Washington

Meeting Notes
January 4, 2001
9:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.


  • John Backes, Academic Libraries 
  • Susan Baker, School Libraries
  • Carol Cahill, Public Libraries
  •  Nancy Carroll, Cultural Diversity
  • Ann Marie Clark, Special Libraries 
  • Michael Eisenberg, Information School
  • Nancy Graf, School Libraries 
  • Neel Parikh, Disadvantaged 
  • Michael Scroggins, Information Technology
  • Sharon Winters, Information Technology 
  • Jonalyn Woolf-Ivory, Public Libraries


  • Jan Walsh, Assistant Director

  • Jeff Martin, Grants Specialist

  • Karen Goettling, Library Consultant

    Library Council host Mike Eisenberg welcomed the Library Council of Washington to the Information School at Mary Gates Hall. Chair Neel Parikh led the introductions beginning with the new secretary for the grants program at the Washington State Library, Linda McMaster.

    Motion: The Council moved, seconded, and approved the November 6, 2000 meeting notes after noting one correction.


  • Legislative Update.
  • Recruitment for rural and special library positions
  • Marketing Information

    The Statewide Plan and K-12 were out of cycle requests. A question was raised if there should be a procedure established for other out of cycle requests. Criteria for consideration are; 1) funding availability, 2) limiting proposals to statewide impact and 3) timely and urgent needs. Consensus was to limit proposals to having a statewide impact that are introduced through a council member.

    PROGRESS ON K-12 - Nancy Graf
    The K-12 committee will continue to meet in 2001 to plan out the curriculum. The funding originally provided for the K-12 Summit will be used for this purpose by September 30, 2001. Additional variance funding could be used to further support committee meetings and travel since committee members are spread throughout the state.

    The preliminary proposal that was submitted focuses on the training of school librarians, and if funded, would begin in 2002.

    Legislative Day 2001 is on Wednesday, February 7. The Council discussed bringing forth a proposal to legislators and staff explaining the benefits of Statewide Data Licensing (SDL). Since the SDL project was not included within the Governor's budget package, a number of options are possible for moving this project forward during this legislative session. The keys to success are grass roots support; more diverse support beyond that of the library community, better coordination between committees and a strong advocate in support of economic development. Suggestions brought forth:

  • Initiate a steering committee of key players endorsing a strategy
  • Upon the development of a strategy and it being adopted, outside interest should be approached to gain their help and their endorsement
  • Need ownership and someone to coordinate
  • Neel Parikh and Ann Marie Clark will work to organize a February meeting of key players preferably in the Olympia area

    Prior to the review of the proposals, the Council was given an update on the Connectivity 2000 Plus grant cycle. Approximately $1.3 million in grant requests were received, and only $220,000 was available for award. This clearly indicates a continuing high demand.

    Continuing Education FY 2002 - Thumbs Up
    Processed 70 applications last calendar year and the number of applicants continue to increase. The Council determined it would be useful to track repeated users. Jeff will coordinate and provide a report.

    Coordinated Statewide Library Marketing Initiative - Thumbs Up
    This initiative will establish a coordinating board and do marketing on two tracks; 1) coordination 2) underwriting a marketing campaign. A survey of the public's attitude about libraries could precede work on this project. Most statewide forums mentioned marketing as a high priority. This initiative would apply specifically to the marketing of LSTA funded projects. It would also encourage others to follow the guidelines that are developed.

    Cultural Diversity Initiative - Thumbs Up
    This initiative should find out and identify needs of collection assessment, and developing outreach programs. Susan Barrett's survey to school libraries should also include hospitals.

    Digital Images Initiatives - Thumbs Up
    Digital Images Initiative continues the promotion of existing projects and training and information on starting new projects. Concern is how will this be funded in the future and by whom, and what has been the history.

    Extension of Digitization Initiative - Thumbs Down,
    Thumbs down as a separate initiative. Carol Cahill will discuss this initiative proposal with the Digital Images Steering Committee and together they will determine if the Digital Images Initiative proposal should be modified to include an additional grant cycle.

    Early Learning - Thumbs Up
    King County has agreed to support a new website on brain development. The Commission wants results of this project shared. To be successful, the initiative needs collaborative efforts with other agencies.

    Information Literacy Year 3 - Thumbs Up
    Too soon to assess, the money at this point is inadequate. Need to be sure marketing will not take place before training occurs. After training, determine the outcome, what was useful by initiating a focus survey of citizenry to determine if awareness and understanding was increased.

    Connecting through Information Literacy - Thumbs Up
    There are many good ideas to capture, but the Statement of Work needs defining. Jonalyn and Susan will contact the Seattle Public Library for clarification.

    K-12 - Thumbs Up
    Developing two pilot projects based on the Utah model. The goal and benefit sections of the proposal need to be brought together. It was suggested to change the term leadership to "ability".

    Preservation Needs Assessment - Thumbs Up
    This needs to be coordinated with the Preservation of Collections proposal to ensure that grants do not get ahead of the needs assessment. The question was raised if the completed needs assessment will result in an action plan. More information is needed on the administration of the project and oversight. The section on the relationship to LSTA needs strengthening. Coordination with the State Archivist should be considered.

    Preservation of Collections - Thumbs Up
    This initiative requires clarification on how the oversight will be handled. It was suggested this be rolled up into on initiative with the Preservation Needs Assessment.

    Statewide Database Licensing - Thumbs Up
    There is administrative funding that will carry this though September 2002.

    SQL - Thumbs Up
    Sharon Winters will be Tom Martin's contact person to get clarification and will get back to LITWG for discussion on:

  • Can more libraries participate more collaboratively
  • Provide model for other libraries to build off of
  • Other than IT staff, what is the benefit to the state? How does this move the state forward, and how will the information be disseminated
  • What about training components with this
  • Should the initiative be framed in a broader content

    Statewide Training Infrastructure - Thumbs Down
    The needs are not clear in this initiative. Jeff Martin will be the contact person and send a statement regarding this decision due to the following concerns:

  • Sustainability
  • Don't have enough detail
  • Not sure if there is enough need here except for Continuing Education (CE), and maybe this isn't the vehicle to use
  • Goal #2 doesn't really seem to fit a one year initiative
  • Will this make a statewide WALT that will increase services to small and medium sized libraries

    Support for LITWG - Thumbs Up
    Sharon Winters will be the contact person for this Initiative. This appears to be a good investment, this has a better diversity of members and can become more structured if committee and commission meet more often. "Assisting the LCW in identifying technology needs for possible LSTA funding" is of interest for the Library Council.

    WTBBL - Thumbs Up
    Contact person for this Initiative is Mike Scroggins who will contact Jan Ames.
    Current system is archaic (1984), and this Initiative is intended to help them move to an integrated automated circulation system.

    Proposal Discussion
    Full proposals were briefly discussed. There is a need to ensure that evaluation, sustainability and scope of work sections are included within the full proposal format.

    $25,000 of LSTA monies has been allocated to hire an evaluator for an overall evaluation of what we do with Grants and what we're doing with projects. The Council would like this evaluator (whom ever it may be) to consult with us to share information of how we're doing, and extend an invitation to join us for the May 2001 meeting.

    TOUR - Mike Eisenberg
    Mike conducted a tour of the University of Washington Information School.

    It was mentioned that LCW should send a representative to WLA, but discussion and decision will be tabled until the March 1, 2001 meeting.

    Carol Best submitted her letter of resignation to the Council. Two positions are now needed; one representing rural libraries, and one for special libraries. An open recruitment and submission to WLA and WIFF will occur. Lethene Parks, a trustee at the Stevens County Rural Library will apply to replace Art Blauvelt. Mike Eisenberg has recommended Mary Lee Kennedy from Microsoft, and will contact her about submitting an application. It was recommended that electronic access be required for approval.

    All applications for these positions will be placed in the Council packet for the March meeting. Discussion of this recruitment process will be placed on the Commission agenda for March 20, 2001.

    A thank you letter will be sent to Carol Best and Art Blauvelt from Nancy Zussy for their Council service, and Neel will create a "we cared" certificate. A press release should also be developed and distributed regarding the reappointment of council members.

  • Gates Foundation Application: Submitted by November 30, 2000 and LCW is listed as a contact for public libraries coalition
  • K-20: Rolling in public libraries and funding is available per LITWG
  • Statewide Plan: Forum feedback indicates public interest in SDL, Diversity, 24/7, etc. The Council has asked Karen Goettling to organize survey information to sort out strengths of response
  • Meeting costs: How expensive are these meetings in general. Jeff will provide costs at the March meeting.
  • E-rate - can the Washington State Library (WSL) provide training or a public forum


    March 1, 2001 Dept. of Labor and Industries, Tumwater
    May 3, 2001 Snohomish Co., host Jonalyn Woolf-Ivory
    July 12, 2001 Curtis High School, University Place
    September 6, 2001 Tacoma Community College, host John Backes
    November 1, 2001 John A. Cherberg Bldg., Olympia, host WSL

    NEXT MEETING, March 1, 2001
    Labor and Industries
    7273 Linderson Way
    Tumwater, WA

    Agenda items:
    LSTA proposals
    Sending representative to WLA
    Meeting costs
    Initiative review

  • Next meeting will be to vote and to cut the budget
  • Consider collaboration, there won't be enough money for all so please prioritize
  • Have all proposals to Jeff by February 15, 2001

    Meeting adjourned 3:10