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Elections Search Results

November 1936 General

House Joint Resolution 10

Ballot Title:
A Proposal authorizing the state of Washington to engage in the production and wholesale distribution, only, of electric energy; to assist the development of hydro-electric generating plants; to incur indebtedness by the issuance of bonds; providing for a commission and power districts, but not denying to any municipality, power district or political subdivision of the state the right to control its own utilities nor preventing the state from furnishing electric energy to its institutions and departments.
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Initiative to the People 101

Ballot Title:
An act establishing a civil service system for the state, and for the counties, cities, prots, school and park districts, and public libraries of the state; providing for the appointment of civil service commissions therefor and a civil service system based upon examination, meritorious standard, efficiency and fitness for appointment, employment and promotion of all employees in the classified service of the state and such municipal subdivisions thereof; and regulating the transfer, reinstatement, suspension and discharge of all such employees subject thereto.
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Initiative to the People 114

Ballot Title:
An Act relating to taxation; limiting the aggregate annual rate of levy on real and personal property for state, county, city or town, school district and road district purposes to forty mills; limiting the levy by the state to two mills to be used exclusively for the support of the University of Washignton, Washington State College and the Normal Schools; limiting the levy by counties, cities and towns, school districts and road districts to certain designated maximums; excepting port districts from the operation of the act; and providing that additional levies may be made as therein provided.
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Initiative to the People 115

Ballot Title:
An act relating to old age pensions, creating a state department therefor, defining its powers and duties; designating persons entitled to pensions and the amount thereof; providing taxes for sole payment of pensions, on business and occupations, sales of stocks and bonds, public utilities, admissions, fuel oil, proprietary medicines, toilet preparations, inheritances, gifts, and making appropriations therefrom; amending section 9, chapter 176, Laws of 1935, and repealing chapter 182, Laws of 1935, providing for old age pensions, and all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith.
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Initiative to the People 119

Ballot Title:
An act creating Production for Use Districts to manufacture, grow, buy and otherwise acquire goods, wares, commodities and products, to furnish services of every nature except electricity and water, and establishing a State Production for use Commission to purchase or otherwise acquire such products and services; authorizing a tax levy, exercise of eminent domain, issuance of certificates of exchange, general obligation and revenue bonds, creating a revolving fund and appropriating ten million dollars therefor; amending section 1 of chapter 95 of the Laws of 1933, relating to nomination of district commissioners, and repealing acts or parts thereof inconsistent therewith.
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Referendum Bill 4

Ballot Title:
An Act relating to flood control, participated in by the federal and state governments; authorizing a state indebtedness of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00) therefor, to be evidenced by bonds designated as "General Obligation Bonds of 1936," and providing a sinking fund by a tax levy for their redemption; establishing a "State Flood Control Fund" and appropriating five million dollars ($5,000,000.00), or the necessary amount therefrom, to pay expenses incurred under and in carrying out the purposes of the Act.
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Senate Joint Resolution 20

Ballot Title:
A proposal to amend section 23, article II of the constitution by providing that each member of the legislature shall receive five dollars per day for expenses in addition to five dollars per day for services, and mileage, now provided.
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Senate Joint Resolution 7

Ballot Title:
A Proposal to repeal section 12, article XI and amend sections 1 and 9, article VII of the constitution by providing: uniform taxation upon the same class of subjects; that the legislature may provide exemptions and graduated net income tax, may vest municipalities with power to make local improvements by special assessment or taxation; cannot require counties or municipalities to tax for county or municipal purposes but may under legislative restiction, vest them with such authority.
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1900 - 1969 was added in March, 2011. All years, 1900 - 2006, are receiving a final proof, which will be indicated under the election name. Those elections that have received a final proof of state totals will say "State Totals Proofed". Those that received a final proof of the county results will say "County Totals Proofed". County results will be proofed last.


The Washington Office of Secretary of State is not responsible for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of this information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity who relies on any information obtained from the database does so at his or her own risk.