Summary of Initiatives to the Legislature - Approved: 1914 - 2006

Year No. Subject
1934 2 Blanket Primary
1942 12 Public Power Resources
1989 99 Presidential Primary
1994 159 Criminal Sentencing/Firearm Use
164 Restricting Land Use Regulation
If the Legislature rejects or takes no action on an Initiative to the Legislature, the measure is automatically placed on the next general election ballot. The Legislature also has the option of placing an alternative proposal on the ballot with the original measure.
Year No. Subject Result
1928 1 District Power Measure Approved
1956 23 Civil Service for Sheriffs Employees Approved
1958 25 Dam Construction/Water Diversion Approved
1971 40 Litter Control Act Approved Alternative
43 Shoreline Use & Development Approved Alternative
44 Tax Limitation Approved
1977 59 Public Water Appropriations Approved
1979 62 Limit State Revenues Approved
1988 97 Cleanup of Hazardous Waste Approved
1991 120 Abortion-Pro Choice Approved
1992 134 Limiting Campaign Contributions Approved
1998 200 Employment Discrimination Approved
2003 297 Hazardous waste Approved